Hello everyone,
I thought I would take this first post to introduce myself, my name is Jesse Bone, I am 26 years old, I have been married for just over 4 years now. My wife and I are expecting our first child in the next few weeks. My intention for this blog is to help me record my journey becoming a professional photographer. I went to school 2 years ago to study drafting. I graduate, top of the class (not boasting, just proud) After school ended I got a job and was well on my way to pay the bills. Then things changed, the business in the drafting office got slow, so I got a job out in the field doing structural steel work. The steel work was great, I was outside working with my hands really enjoying it! Then I got the chance to receive an apprenticeship, which I, with little hesitation, signed up for.
Before I continue, a little about how I got into photography.
It was the beginning of 2008 and my wife and I wanted to do a big trip, we initially wanted to go to Africa with some friends, but a certain baby got in the way.;) Then we decided to book a fantastic trip to Europe, 17 days 11 countries, WOW. So I wanted to take good pictures for the trip and got looking at cameras. I researched like there was no tomorrow! I asked other photographers that I knew, and I found myself a nice brand new Canon EOS Rebel XTi. I love the camera! I took a beginners weekend workshop with Vancouver Photo Workshops, my teacher was Aura McKay, very energetic lady! It was lots of fun. Ok back on track, we went to Europe, loved the trip, lots of pictures, I think I took around 3000 pictures. So that's how I got into photography, thank you Europe!
Back to the "now", I was now an apprentice for metal fabrication, about to book my first year of school. When bam it hit me. I am God fearing person, one who follows the Bibles teachings. I had made a decision to look into a professional career as a photographer but I was very apprehensive towards the fact that, how is it going to impact my spiritual life, family life etc. I have been following many photographers at this time, such as http://www.chasejarvis.com/, http://www.zarias.com/, http://www.joemcnally.com/, http://www.jeremycowart.com/, http://www.bryanniven.com/, http://www.jasongroupp.com/, tons of brand name photographers!. Then I stumbled upon F-Stop beyond, a podcast hosted by Ron Dawson. Ron interviews photographers and gets into their hearts, "looking into the heart of the visual artist". I downloaded all of his episodes, and listened to them all. I was completely flabbergasted. Listening to all of the stories of some of these photographers that I already knew and followed.

But little did I know that so many of them are very open with their faith! and can integrate their faith with their work. There was something in my mind telling me that I would somehow sacrifice some of my spiritual life, in becoming a "professional creative", But NO!, It was like God opened a door for me, no, he did open a door for me, a double wide, swing open door, where I could clearly hear him say "come down this path". I was floored, never has anything hit me so hard. I knew I loved photography, but there was something in my head that said "be careful I don't know if you should do this. Then God came and said DO THIS.
So this is where I am at now. I have decided to make photography my full time job. I am very fortunate to have a boss who will still let me work as a draftsman, to pay the bills. I am up late every night, looking at art, looking at videos, learning! I plan to have my website up by December, so stay tuned! I have dedicated this summer to building my portfolio and experience. I have photographed a few families, some portraiture, and two weddings (another on Sept 19!). Also I must give a big shout out to Dave Hamilton, a local photographer who has been very open and helpful. Check out his website www.davehamilton.ca
This is me. Thank you for reading.
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